Thursday, January 20, 2011

Galley Image

The changes i've made to this photograph ;
i used the burn tool alot, on the lines and to make the lines
show up much better, and i used the sponge tool,
just to add a bit more saturation to the image in the sky
and i used the sharpen tool for the wind things at the bottom of
the image. just so that they stand out a bit more then they did.
i edited and used protocols on this image a while ago,
but that's pretty much what i've done to this photograph.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

tahquitz image two

made two layers, and darkened it a lot using the burn tool

Snow Edit

i made two other layers aside from the original
photograph / background layer i lightened some the image
like the snowand i darkened the road and the side of the road.
and i used the clone tool to remove some dark purpleish
looking clouds in the sky near the mountain.

Art In Action

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

tahquitz - posted Jan.4/2011

Original Photograph

Photograph after edit
Global Changes
levels; made it a bit darker.
contrast; made adjustments with the contrast and the brightness
color balance; more red, more green, and more yellow. on the color balance slider.
crop; not used
vingette; not used.
Local Changes
replace color; not used
burn and dodge; burn used more than dodge. burn used on the rocks. and behind the little rock at the back of the picture. mostly used in those areas.
and sponge tool; saturate. on the leaves and the visible strip in the water.