Thursday, January 20, 2011

Galley Image

The changes i've made to this photograph ;
i used the burn tool alot, on the lines and to make the lines
show up much better, and i used the sponge tool,
just to add a bit more saturation to the image in the sky
and i used the sharpen tool for the wind things at the bottom of
the image. just so that they stand out a bit more then they did.
i edited and used protocols on this image a while ago,
but that's pretty much what i've done to this photograph.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

tahquitz image two

made two layers, and darkened it a lot using the burn tool

Snow Edit

i made two other layers aside from the original
photograph / background layer i lightened some the image
like the snowand i darkened the road and the side of the road.
and i used the clone tool to remove some dark purpleish
looking clouds in the sky near the mountain.

Art In Action

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

tahquitz - posted Jan.4/2011

Original Photograph

Photograph after edit
Global Changes
levels; made it a bit darker.
contrast; made adjustments with the contrast and the brightness
color balance; more red, more green, and more yellow. on the color balance slider.
crop; not used
vingette; not used.
Local Changes
replace color; not used
burn and dodge; burn used more than dodge. burn used on the rocks. and behind the little rock at the back of the picture. mostly used in those areas.
and sponge tool; saturate. on the leaves and the visible strip in the water.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

depth of field/

The main focus in this depth of field photograph is the lights ,
the Hollywood sign and the tower looking figure in the background are
blurred out, & not clear like the hanging lights.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Makeover Portrait - posted Nov.9/ 2010

Lighting is from outside mostly. this was taken by a window.
all protocols were used. along with using layers and surface blur to help
get the full makeover look. and clone stamp tool was used also.
you can see her eyelashes, quite clearly. she has really long eyelashes
and it really helped for this assignment.
i know that the background is not correct for this portrait. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Long Term Assignment

My booklet is going to be about concerts i've been to.
and if that doesn't work out. it'll be about my summer vacation last summer.